IMI has initiated appropriate legal action against these fraudulent persons. Please take extra caution while examining such an email address, as the perpetrators may misspell an official IMI email address and use a slightly modified version of an official IMI email address. ISUZU PARTS NEAR ME FREE
The offers will probably be in the form of an email sent from a fake email address or from a free email provider such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, Outlook, etc., and not from an official IMI/Isuzu email address. These bank accounts have/contain the name of ‘Isuzu’ and have been opened fraudulently. Thereafter, these imposters ask the unsuspecting people to transfer money to certain bank accounts with a promise of delivery of the R&D vehicle. In this way they lure the people to their trap. ISUZU PARTS NEAR ME REGISTRATION
Thereafter, they offer to sell “R&D Demo vehicles of Isuzu make/brand along with some accessories” at a discounted/depreciated cost, and also assure in registration of the vehicle with the RTO.
These imposters contact unsuspecting people as officials/employees of IMI on some pretext. It has come to the notice of Isuzu Motors India Private Limited (IMI) that some unscrupulous individuals are misrepresenting themselves as IMI employees and offering to sell Isuzu vehicles at a discounted price/depreciated cost.